“Ready to Love”: Meet Wynter Patterson
Written by Nakia Cooper on November 1, 2020

Wynter Patterson is a native of Grand Rapids, Michigan, but raised in Houston, Texas. She has been married before and has no children. Her personality is a standout, as well as her curves. On the season premiere, her “orange dress” was a conversation piece among the men. We want to know, did she find love?
Q: When it comes to dating – specifically in Houston. What has been your challenge?
A: My challenges were meeting men who were looking for the same things out of a relationship that I was and who possessed the qualities I was looking for in a man. Since the pandemic, it is a challenge for many people since our social lives have been restricted and you aren’t meeting men in the same environment you normally would. I give people who use dating apps credit because I would NOT use a dating app ever again after some of the interesting experiences I had in the past.
Q: Before going on the show, did you feel there really weren’t any good brothers or sisters around?
A: No, I felt that there was potential in a lot of men out there however, I didn’t have the opportunity to meet men who were specifically ready to find love.
Q: We noticed that many of the men were “rocked up” or muscle bound…or the women were a little dolled up on the “glam” side…Do you feel the show was LACKING the presence of the AVERAGE JOE or JOANN? (Be real…we want you to consider all the people who are walking around every day looking for love.)
A: I feel like there was a good range of people on both the men and the women side of the show. We were a really good-looking cast and I was very thankful to be a part of such a number of beautiful people.
[Watch the official trailer]
Q: What’s your philosophy on dating?
A: Live in the moment! You can really ruin the relationship by thinking too much into the future. Try not to think so much into what could be or what if and be present.
Q: What is your perfect date? Did you get a chance to experience a “perfect date” on the show? If so, with who?
A: My perfect date for me varies. I would enjoy doing something fun like ice-skating or bike riding. I also enjoy having a nice conversation over dinner.
Q: We know you can’t tell the outcome of the show, and some of you left before making it to the end. But even if you did not connect with the person you were hoping to, do you feel that your soul mate was at the resort with you?
A: I met some amazing people I plan to stay in touch with throughout my lifetime and am very thankful to the OWN Network for that. You will just have to tune in to see if I found my Soulmate 😉
Q: Do you have any “unfinished business” with any of the people on the show…For instance, is there someone you wish you could have gotten to know better? Give us a little hint .. even if you can’t say their name.
A: I feel like you could never leave an experience like this without any second thoughts or regrets and I can be honest and say there are some things and people I still think about.
Q: We know everyone is not always going to get along…do you feel there was too much “drama” with the cast..or in reverse.. not enough? How was your experience?
A: I feel like I get along with everyone and make it a point to mind my own business. I like to give good vibes and I think that works in my favor. I had a great experience on the show.
Q: Would you ever try reality TV again?
A: Under the right circumstances, yes.
Q: Lastly…in ONE WORD… Tell us what Black Love is to you…(and sorry, you can’t use the typical answer of “Beautiful.”)
A: Enduring
You can check out Wynter and the rest of the “Ready to Love, Last Resort” cast on OWN every Friday 9/8 CST.