“Ready to Love”: Meet Rashid A. Floyd
Written by Nakia Cooper on November 1, 2020

Rashid A. Floyd, a native Houston, is the CEO of Level Luxury Automotive. He’s divorced and a proud father of a son, Pierce. After only one show, you can tell that he’s true to be a crowd favorite. We had a “Vibe With” session with Floyd, who was honest about his philosophies on love, but is keeping us in suspense about some of the nitty gritty on the show.
Q: When it comes to dating – specifically in Houston. What has been your challenge?
A: Finding a woman who wants the same things and at the same time! Timing is everything. They also seem to be very entitled without any substance to warrant the entitlement.
Q: Before going on the show, did you feel there really weren’t any good brothers or sisters around?
A: I definitely feel there are some good ladies out there. You just have to be patient and be willing to weed through the bad to get to the good.
Q: We noticed that many of the men were “rocked up” or muscle bound, or the women were a little dolled up on the “glam” side. Do you feel the show was LACKING the presence of the AVERAGE JOE or JOANN? (Be real…we want you to consider all the people who are walking around every day looking for love.)
A: I respect and understand how someone watching could feel that way. However, at the end of the day, we are on TV. I guess sometimes the networks feel that the people at home want to see a certain style of person on TV, whether that is cute, attractive or just plain beautiful. We definitely have all of that and more on the show. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t make it right but it’s often the case. However, I feel that everyone needs and deserves love regardless of size, shape and color.
[Watch the official trailer]
Q: What’s your philosophy on dating?
A: To be patient, honest and transparent with women about what I want in a mate and not waste too much time staying on the surface.
Q: What is your perfect date? Did you get a chance to experience a “perfect date” on the show? If so, with whom?
A: To be honest: the BEST date I’ve ever had was actually recently on the show! But unfortunately I can’t give out any details. So, you’re going to have to watch. But I will say my perfect date is by far going to really stand out. Everyone is going to be talking!
Q: We know you can’t tell the outcome of the show, and some of you left before making it to the end. But even if you did not connect with the person you were hoping to, do you feel that your soul mate was at the resort with you?
A: You know, I still can’t really answer that. Not just yet. But what I will say is that there were definitely women there that I could see myself with long term.
Q: Do you have any “unfinished business” with any of the people on the show? For instance, is there someone you wish you could have gotten to know better? Give us a little hint, even if you can’t say their name.
A: Yes, there are a couple of people I would have liked to spend more time getting to know, even if it would’ve ended on a friendship level. But it’s not like I was disappointed with who I did have connections with. I’m absolutely happy with those connections as well.
Q: We know everyone is not always going to get along. Do you feel there was too much “drama” with the cast, or in reverse.. not enough? How was your experience?
A: No, I don’t think it was too much drama. I actually think it was just the right amount. But it wasn’t ratchet drama like throwing drinks and jumping across tables to fight! It is REAL drama: the drama that like-minded, well-educated and mature adults and individuals have living in today’s society. Like we were dealing with some real life stuff in there.
Q: Would you ever try reality TV again?
A: I don’t know yet! Ask me AFTER the show! LOL
Q: Lastly…in ONE WORD… Tell us what Black Love is to you…(and sorry, you can’t use the typical answer of “Beautiful.”)
You can check out Rashid and the rest of the “Ready to Love, Last Resort” cast on OWN every Friday 9/8 CST.