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Vibe Houston Stream

12:00 am 8:00 pm

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Vibe Houston Stream

12:00 am 8:00 pm


Ash Davito

From the catwalks of Fifth Avenue to the prairies of Houston, Texas, Lori Dansby is a rising star in a galaxy littered with musical pretenders. The reign for this Queen is long overdue as she has shared her natural gifts with the world for many years through fashion, film and music. Her undeniable singing ability, mixed with her striking beauty and sweet spirit, has captured the attention of many in the entertainment world. Dansby has recently partnered with Global Keys Records Corporation, led by music and film producer Ash Davito, for her new single “I CROWN YOU,” featuring R&B artist Jon Glenn. A woman with many talents, Dansby keeps a steady balance between her music and motherhood, which is her #1 priority. Her new single “I CROWN YOU” is now available on all music streaming platforms along with the music video, which can be viewed on YouTube. Connect with Lori Dansby on social media! Like on Facebook Follow on Instagram

A “Renaissance Man” is defined as a person of many talents or areas of knowledge. Ash Davito definitely fits that bill. From modeling, to acting, self-publishing his own books, and writing and directing his own feature films, he’s done it all. Davito has written and directed numerous projects, including Temp to Fire (2015), and has been an actor in As I Die Slowly (2011) and God Send Me a Man (2009), alongside Robin Givens. Adding to that, he’s now launched a new record label, Global Keys Records, executive producing and publishing music for various artists. We sat down to chat with Davito to see how he “vibes.” Vibe: How do you describe yourself? Tell us, who is Ash Davito? Davito: I would describe myself as a creative visionary. If you were to ask me what I do, I would tell you, “Whatever needs to be done.” I have always believed in myself as early as I can remember. Any goal or dream I’ve ever set out to accomplish, I have. Simply, I’m a God fearing man from Sunnyside, Texas who is passionate about helping others. Vibe: What projects are you currently working on? Davito: I’m currently promoting “MY TOWN” by Mugg Man feat. Jon Glenn, in which I wrote and produced. It is doing very well on YouTube. My next project is an R&B ballad I wrote called “I CROWN YOU” by artist Lori Dansby feat. Jon Glenn. After that, the label will be releasing music in the Afro and Reggae genres. Vibe: What do you feel about the Houston entertainment scene? Davito: I feel like Houston’s entertainment scene has really blossomed in the last five years alone. Now you can find various locations for just about any kind of entertainment you want to see. Some of the greatest entertainers in the world were birthed in Houston. I don’t think that enough artists and business professionals come together, however, I understand that you just can’t work with everyone regardless of how much you may like to. Personally, I believe that needing nothing attracts everything. The less time I spend depending on others, the more time I have to focus on bettering myself as a businessman, CEO and visionary. Vibe: You say you wear many hats, why is it important to learn various aspects of the business? Davito: It’s essential to learn how every level of your field of business works. Even if I’m weak in a specific area, it’s my obligation as a “leader” to know enough about that area to be able to identify the ideal person or resource we may need on the team to strengthen it. In my opinion, that’s the way to limit any inefficiencies across the board. The more you know, the more you can share, and the less people can take advantage of you. Vibe: From a business owner’s perspective, what are the most common mistakes you’ve seen made in this industry? Davito: The most common mistakes I’ve seen are business owners not actually owning their intellectual property. That is a liability. For instance, I’ve heard so many artists say how people have stolen the ideas they’ve shared with them. First, your business has to be properly structured and you need a clear plan of action for your product, and personally, I don’t ever talk about a project that has not been copyrighted, already published commercially or has already been manifested and ready for the next level. Vibe: How important is collaboration? Davito: Collaboration is extremely important to me. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to workwith a lot of people, but it’s very important that you collaborate with the right people — people who are assets and not liabilities. I also love to collaborate with other businesses, using my projects and platforms to promote them as we work to build strong partnerships. Vibe: When looking to collaborate with someone, what do you look for? Davito: I look at their character and spirit first. Talent means nothing if we don’t “vibe” together, period. If the person is humble, hungry, willing to learn, willing to grow and most importantly, willing to invest in themselves, and I’m doing the same, then it’s a “win-win” situation for us all. Vibe: How important is mentorship? Davito: Although success is subjective, mentorship is literally what being successful is all about. I’m only here doing what I do today because a mentor sat me down my senior year in high school and simply asked me, “What do you want to do with your life?” That lead to everything that I am doing today. One simple conversation changed my life so I’m always asking the youth I encounter while speaking at Career Days at various schools or just in random conversations “what do they want to do with their futures” and I try to make sure they understand how to have a plan of action to work toward their goals. Vibe: What have you learned during this pandemic? Davito: During this pandemic, I learned that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I started Global Keys Records Corporation on July 13, 2020, in the midst of the pandemic at a very challenging time in my life. How dare I start a record company and teach myself the music business and actually follow through with everything I set out to do? I learned how to believe in myself and others even when nobody else did. Most importantly I learned how to exercise my faith and potential. I wrote my first professional song at that time, and a few months later, it was on the market and has now grown over 60,000 views for the music video on YouTube and still going. I feel that it’s nothing I can’t do if I’m willing to unlock my potential within. Vibe: What advice do you have to give anyone who is out here grinding with a dollar and a dream? Davito: Don’t stop. Nothing comes easy. And — you have to think anyway so you may

Vibe Houston